Friday, September 7, 2007

We're back in Ndola :)

Well, Team 1 is on their way home and Team 2 has just arrived here at the SHIP Mission House. BTW, SHIP stands for Seeds of Hope International, which is where our Boise Vineyard teams are being housed out of here in Ndola.

Tim & I left 2 days ago and flew from Ndola to Livingstone at the exact time that Team 2 was arriving from the USA. Both planes were on the tarmack at the same time, which seemed like such amazing perfect timing. We were so glad to see each other. We spent the next few days viewing the magnificant Victoria Falls, exploring the safari game park in Botswana, and just some special time of regrouping with Team 2 before heading to Mapalo to work for the next 2 weeks. This is the first missions trip where we've taken 2 teams back to back for 2 weeks at a time. Since both teams trainined together for 15 weeks prior to coming, each team has been praying for the other, knowing that we would be in Zambia at different times, but working with the sames purposes in share God's love with this beautiful people group.

Ken, Laurie and Phil are the 3 staying for the full month, so they were waiting for us when the bus arrived late this evening into the SHIP house. It's great to now have Team 2 here and we're ready to start working tomorrow, with whatever the need is; loving and building relationships with the Zambians, helping with construction of the Resource Center, and helping with hygeine training & well drilling. God has opened the doors for amazing relationships with the Zambians. It's been sweet to see the impact that Team 1 and the Zambians have encountered, and to now start moving forward with Team 2 is another exciting adventure, with God leading the way.

While Tim & I were gone, Phil, Ken & Laurie built shelves in the store room here. WOW...they did a great job. They also started on the pews for the church and the tables for the sewing machines for the Resource/Training Center in Mapalo. Yea....teamwork :)

Our next job is to move an anthill. By the way, ant hills here are bigger than a house.
Check back this week & we'll post you a picture of what "moving an anthill" looks like.

Tim & I arrive home on 9-11 and Team 2 arrives on Sept 19. We love you and are praying for all of you.
Tim & Tempe & Team Zambia


Ann said...

Dear Team Africa,
We are praying for you. We were singing a song last night that I felt was very appropriate for you all. It is "Humble King" by Brenton Brown. Here are the words:

Oh kneel me down again,
here at Your feet
Show me how much You love humility
Oh Spirit be the star that leads me to
The humble heart of love I see in You

You are the God of the broken
The friend of the weak
You wash the feet of the weary
Embrace the ones in need
I want to be like You, Jesus
To have this heart in me
You are the God of the humble
You are the humble King.

May God bless you all richly!!!
Love, Ann (and Don)

Marcie Carter said...

Team Africa,
Wow! You are all doing such awesome work for the Kingdom. Thank you for keeping us posted. I can't wait to see pictures of the anthill. We will continue to keep you all in our prayers. Thank you for sharing the love of Jesus.

Blessings and continued endurance to you all. The Carter Family

Unknown said...

I'm praying for you and praying the mission goes better than expected. This will be an awe inspiring experience for you.
I am waiting for some new comments and want to see the ant hill!

honorhh said...

Hi...just want you to know that we are remembering, praying, and missing you. With the heart of the Lord combined with the hearts of your team, we know the Lord is using you in a synergetic way and that you are likewise being blessed. I sincerely pray that part of your blessing is the absence of health problems as well as making an awesome difference in the physical and spiritual lives of your "neighbors" in Africa. Thanks for your willingness to be our hands and feet. Much love, many prayers, and may grace abound! Big hug, Honor, Glenn and Gracie